Monday, 18 May 2009

Affordable Short Term Health Insurance May Be The Best Bet For People Changing Jobs

For many people the task of finding affordable short term health insurance can be very difficult. No matter what the reason that you need affordable short-term health insurance is there are many ways to go about it. Whether you need it because you are changing jobs, schools, retired, graduating, employed, unemployed, or moving you may be eligible to apply for short-term health insurance. What many people want to know is what exactly is short-term health insurance. One of the huge benefits of short-term health insurance is the low monthly premium that people have to pay. Short-term health insurance is one of the best insurance plans for people who are on the move, with monthly payments costing less than a small car payment. This type of health insurance is directed mostly at healthy individuals, their families, or children who do not need insurance for pre-existing conditions, these types of insurance polices can give people a fall back plan if something were to happen to them or a family member. Depending on the plan that they pick the benefits can be perfect for them because many of these plans can provide families with up to $1.5-2 million dollars per person for serious injury and illnesses.

Short term insurance has grown at a rapid rate in the past few years with the amount of people who are uninsured being near 45 million. It has recently been made mandatory that people who are uninsured must be insured in the next few years, which has made this type of insurance even more popular with such low premiums as well as adequate coverage as long as you are health in the 3 years prior to being covered by the plan. There are many different companies offering affordable short-term health insurance for you to pick from and also different plans within each company for you to look for.

One thing to keep in mind when you are going to look for affordable short term health insurance plans is that these plans will not cover you for pre-existing conditions, this is why it is a "short-term" plan, and why the monthly premiums can be so low. If you don't know what a preexisting condition is, it is any symptoms, or illnesses that you maybe have had 3 years prior to the start of your affordable short term health insurance coverage, this is why it is very important that when you fill out the application to tell them everything has gone on, if you do have pre-existing conditions this is not the right type of insurance for you, and although the monthly premiums will be low, it will not be able to help you if something from the previous months catches up with you and you need serious medical attention. If this were to happen it is possible that the short-term coverage that you may be receiving may be dropped.

by Ronnie Hamilton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Washington State, it actually makes more sense to choose a regular permanent health insurance plan, rather than a short term policy. That is because insurance rates in Washington are surprisingly competitive and thus the small extra cost of a permanent plan with better benefits far outweighs the less expensive but lesser benefit short term plans. And, because you can cancel health insurance plans in Washington anytime you want, there is never a risk of being stuck with a plan you no longer want.